Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 24 — Calgary Green Line LRT ProjectAs the largest infrastructure project in Calgary’s history, the Green Line is not just a rail project, but also a city-shaping project. I…Oct 12, 2021Oct 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 23 — Calgary Municipal Land CorporationAs a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Calgary, CMLC is charged with implementing the Rivers District Community Revitalization plan…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 22 — Calgary Human ResourcesI recently met with the City’s Human Resources (HR) department to learn more about how they contribute to the City’s climate objectives…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting #21 — Calgary Parking AuthorityAs scheduling permitted, I wanted to take as many opportunities as I could to talk to The City’s arm’s length entities and their role in…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 20 — Calgary FinanceFinance is one of the most powerful tools for both climate mitigation and adaptation. How we prioritize spending can advance or hinder our…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting# 19 — Calgary Building ServicesIn the Calgary Climate Resilience Strategy, Calgary Building Services was identified as a vital department for helping The City meet our…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting #18 — Calgary Community StandardsLike all departments across the corporation, Calgary Community Standards has several service lines that play a significant role in…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 17 — Corporate Analytics & InnovationCorporate Analytics & Innovation (CAI) is crucial to get The City of Calgary, the development industry, and construction to meet The…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 16 — Calgary RoadsI met recently with Calgary Roads to discuss climate considerations within the department. The Roads department has made strides when it…Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Blog # 14 — Transportation InfrastructureThe Transportation Infrastructure department is responsible for designing and building major City of Calgary transportation projects. From…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 13 — Calgary Approvals CoordinationHow we design and build our cities has one of the most significant impacts on emissions and climate resiliency. The layout and density…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellI recently met with Calgary Recreation to learn more about their progress as outlined in the…What’s Working?Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting # 11 — Calgary NeighbourhoodsI recently met virtually with Calgary Neighbourhoods to learn more about their climate action progress as mandated in the City’s Climate…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Meeting #10 — Waste & Recycling ServicesI recently met with Waste & Recycling to learn more about their climate action progress. Since the approval of the Calgary Climate…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Update #9 — City of Calgary CemeteriesI have been sitting down with City of Calgary department directors to discuss their climate action progress and learn how they plan to…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Update #8 — Supply ManagementFor my 8th meeting with The City of Calgary department directors, I sat down with Supply Management to learn more about their climate…Jul 27, 2021Jul 27, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Update #7 — ENMAXI have been meeting with City of Calgary departments to learn more about their plans to meet the climate targets outlined in Calgary’s…Jul 27, 2021Jul 27, 2021
Druh FarrellClimate Update #2 — ParksI’ve been sitting down with City of Calgary department directors to discuss their climate action progress and learn how they plan to meet…Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021